Markdown Syntax Features Test1. HeadingsHeading Level 1Heading Level 2Heading Level 3Heading Level 4Heading Level 5Heading Level 62. Text Formatting3. ListsUnordered ListOrdered ListTask List4. Links and ImagesLinksImages5. CodeInline CodeCode Blocks6. Blockquotes7. Tables8. Mathematical FormulasInline MathBlock Math9. Mermaid DiagramsFlowchartSequence DiagramGantt Chart10. Horizontal Rules11. OthersText AlignmentFootnotesHighlightEmojiShortcodes12. Unsupported Syntax ExamplesInline HTMLCustom ContainersNested Task ListsLaTeX Macros
This test document is designed to demonstrate various Markdown syntax features, including basic formatting, lists, links, images, code blocks, tables, mathematical formulas, Mermaid diagrams, and more. This comprehensive test will help you verify the support of these features in different Markdown renderers.
Bold Text
Italic Text
Bold and Italic Text
Strikethrough Text
Underlined Text
Item One
Item Two
Subitem Two Point One
Subitem Two Point Two
Item Three
First Item
Second Item
Subitem Two Point One
Subitem Two Point Two
Third Item
Complete Task One
Complete Task Two
Complete Task Three
This is an example link.
Note: Some renderers may require specific permissions to display external images.
Here is an example of print("Hello, World!")
xdef greet():
print("Hello, World!")
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, World!");
This is a blockquote.
It can span multiple lines.
Name | Age |
Alice | 25 |
Bob | 30 |
Carol | 22 |
Product | Price | Stock |
Apple | $1 | 100 |
Banana | $0.5 | 200 |
Grape | $2 | 150 |
Einstein's mass-energy equivalence is
Note: Rendering of mathematical formulas depends on whether the renderer supports LaTeX.
Note: Mermaid diagrams require the renderer to support Mermaid syntax.
Some renderers support text alignment:
Left Aligned (Defalut)
This is a footnote example.1
This is highlighted text.
This is a smiley emoji 😊.
This is red text.
::: warning This is a warning box. :::
Main Task
Subtask One
Subtask Two