This is a document to introduce how to manage your literature by Zotero. Literature Management has always been a necessary yet challenging task. The challenge lies in how to classify a large amount of literature and place them in the appropriate categories, as well as how to easily retrieve the literature we need. Here provides a simple and esay method to manage your literature by Zotero, which will make your literature management much more efficent. We will introduce this method by following order:
How to classification.
Our file structure in Zotero.
Workflow under our file strucuture.
Classification is widely recognized as essential for creating a clear structure, and it is a crucial step before establishing our management framework. Our method here is much more simplified by the powerful literature-management software Zotero, which is to classify them by its original classification called 'item'. The item types in Zotero including: Artwork, Book and etc. You can found them all in
Category | Description |
Book | A complete book |
Book Section | A specific chapter or section from a book |
Journal Article | An article published in an academic journal |
Conference Paper | A paper presented at a conference |
Thesis | A master's or doctoral dissertation |
Patent | An officially published patent |
Report | A technical report or government publication |
Webpage | A page from a website |
Magazine Article | An article from a non-scholarly magazine |
Newspaper Article | An article from a newspaper |
Manuscript | An unpublished manuscript or draft |
Letter | A correspondence or letter |
Interview | A recorded or transcribed interview |
Film | A film or motion picture |
Artwork | A piece of visual art, such as a painting or sculpture |
Audio Recording | A recorded audio file |
Video Recording | A recorded video file |
Presentation | A talk or presentation given at an event |
Document | A general document |
Map | A geographic or thematic map |
Podcast | An audio or video podcast episode |
TV Broadcast | A television program or segment |
Radio Broadcast | A radio show or broadcast |
Forum Post | A post made in an online forum |
Blog Post | A post made on a blog |
An email message |